Ankle pain refers to any kind of pain or discomfort affecting any part of the ankle. Ankle pain usually gets better with at-home treatments such as rest, ice and over-the-counter pain medication. A physical therapy program can help you strengthen muscles and prevent another injury. Providers treat more severe pain with braces and splints, injections and surgery. Many conditions, including plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis, cause heel pain. A sore heel is a common foot and ankle complaint. Rest, orthotics, and stretching ease pain over time. If you ignore and don’t treat heel pain, you may develop chronic problems that require a longer recovery. Heel pain rarely needs surgery.
Source: Ankle Pain – and Heel Pain –
The above information is for general education purposes only. Please ask your doctor specific questions during your visit.
Ankle pain refers to any kind of pain or discomfort affecting any part of the ankle. Ankle pain usually gets better with at-home treatments such as rest, ice and over-the-counter pain medication. A physical therapy program can help you strengthen muscles and prevent another injury. Providers treat more severe pain with braces and splints, injections and surgery. Many conditions, including plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis, cause heel pain. A sore heel is a common foot and ankle complaint. Rest, orthotics, and stretching ease pain over time. If you ignore and don’t treat heel pain, you may develop chronic problems that require a longer recovery. Heel pain rarely needs surgery.
Source: Ankle Pain – and Heel Pain –
The above information is for general education purposes only. Please ask your doctor specific questions during your visit.
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