Back Pain

Spine Problems

Back strain is a fairly broad category called “soft tissue injury,” which covers muscles, tendons and ligaments. About 80% of back and neck pain is muscle-related.

The stomach muscles, or abdominals, enable the back to bend forward. They also assist in lifting. The abdominals work with the buttock muscles to support the spine. The oblique muscles go around the side of the body to provide additional support to the spine.

Another type of strain relates to spinal ligaments that run in front and in back of the vertebral bodies. Tendons, which also connect muscles in the spine, can develop inflammation, or tendonitis.

Some people believe that part of what makes the back muscles more prone to strain is that they are shorter than other big muscles in the body. The muscles in our thighs that enable us to walk, run and jump are longer and less prone to strain. It’s very unusual to strain a thigh muscle.

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Precision Spine Care combines the expertise of fellowship-trained spine surgeons, non-surgical spine MDs and interventional pain specialists.

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Precision Spine Care offers appointments in multiple convenient locations across East Texas and North Texas.

Our integrative treatments focus on promoting healing, restoring function, and alleviating pain

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No matter where it hurts or why it hurts, there’s no reason to suffer. All it takes is a phone call to the medical professionals at Precision Spine Care. We will get you in fast!